Daycare Information.

Daycare provides dogs the opportunity to socialize with their furry friends and our team members. Boarding and daycare dogs are able to mingle together throughout the day. Each dog is matched with their perfect friend, or friends, to insure they have the best possible day of play. We do not have a set amount of time our groups are outside, we let the dogs decide! Some pups prefer a quick potty break while others will play for hours. Their day is scheduled to fit their specific wants and needs.

Due to our small size, we prioritize boarding spaces over daycare spaces during peak seasons. Daycare dogs can be dropped off anytime after 8:30am and picked up anytime before 5pm. We charge the same flat rate for daycare days no matter where your dogs resting place is.

See below for in depth daycare information.

Additional Information.

  • We offer three options for our daycare dogs.

    Option One: Spacious room with large orthopedic beds. These rooms are usually reserved for families of two or more dogs while boarding, but can be used for daycare if needed.

    Option Two: Indoor and outdoor run. Each one of our runs is 30 feet in length of outdoor running space. Inside is a roomy 6’ by 6’ enclosed area with a raised Kuranda bed. Dogs are able to socialize with their neighbors and may use the dog door as they please. If your dog is unsure of using the door, we will prop it open so they are still able to use the outdoor portion.

    Option Three: Crates of varying size. We offer crates from small sizes to extra large for dogs over 100lbs. Each crate has a crate pad inside, but you are more than welcome to bring your pup’s favorite bed!

    No matter the resting place, all dogs will be included in playgroups in our yards.

    *Extra beds will be provided for ALL options if needed!

  • If your pup is attending doggy daycare, you are welcome to bring anything that makes them more comfortable. Our seasoned daycare attendees usually don’t have time to grab anything as their dog pulls them out the door!

    Some dogs don’t have time before drop off to eat breakfast. If that is the case, you can bring their meal here! We are also able to give them a lunchtime meal if needed.

  • All dogs should be brought with their own food if needed—suddenly switching a dog’s diet can be dangerous. We provide sanitized bowls for our dogs, but if you use a slow feeder or any special feeding equipment, we welcome you to bring that as well. You can choose to bring the food however you like. Some clients pre-bag each individual meal while some bring the entire bag of food. We do ask that you keep us updated on what kind of food they eat in case they run out or you are unable to pick up your dog on time!

    We provide treats from local dog bakery, Giggy Bites, and we also have plenty of store bought treats at the ready! If your dog has allergies or any dietary restraints please bring treats from home for us to use.

  • All of our yards are outdoors for your pup to enjoy fresh air. Our three yards provide ample running room even for our craziest of players! There is agility equipment for extra enrichment. Dogs are able to see into the other yards while outside for optimal socialization.

    Playgroups are done throughout the day for every single dog at the kennel, weather permitting. All three of the yards are equipped with covered areas in case of rain or snow. Playgroups are limited during rain!

    The amount of time our groups stay outside is only dependent on the dogs. We let them stay out for as long as they want to. Some dogs prefer a quick potty break and then back to napping while others could run for hours on end. We make sure your dog is getting exactly what they need.

    If your dog isn’t the friendliest with other dogs, we do one-on-one play sessions with a staff member. Your dog will be able to play fetch or just be cuddled for as long as they want! They will still be able to watch other dogs for mental stimulation.

  • We do not require males to be neutered at our kennel.

    We require all females to be spayed.*

    *Female puppies who are too young to be spayed or large dogs that have not been spayed due to growth plates are allowed to be on the premises. However, you must have a designated emergency contact available at any time to pick up your dog should they come into season at our facility.